Create on demand a safe, isolated and protected space for all your remote collaborators.
Monitor in detail what the remote workforce performs during the workday.
Safety oriented where workers use their own machines (BYOD).
When the user needs to start a remote session, Waba workpsace, creates and deliver a secure and isolated space on demand. This allows the session to run as if it were inside a virtual machine, but specially configurated to run only the processes required by the Company to guarantee security and keep this space away of any malware activity.
READ MOREIt allows companies to establish rules and controls either on-site or for remote work.
Securing sensitive company information from unintentional, accidental or intentional user actions.
READ MOREComply with policies of third parties such as: Government, banking corporations, insurance companies, private pension funds.
READ MOREProvides a restricted work environment for employees, shielded against possible threats, espionage, or theft.